The Model Portfolio Service (MPS) delivers a range of defined risk-rated investment portfolios, providing exposure to global asset classes. As discretionary managers, we will make the buy-sell decisions within each model portfolio. As the adviser, you determine the appropriate model portfolio based on risk assessment, investment objective, time horizon and capacity for loss. We work with you to ensure the correct portfolio is selected.
We provide access to our risk-rating tool, Dynamic Planner®. The model portfolios range from 1-10 on the risk-rating scale and have the following investment strategies:
- Total return objective: Growth is derived from a combination of capital and income
- Income: Portfolios are oriented towards higher income levels and more frequent payments
- Low cost/passive: Focus on funds with low charges
- Ethical/SRI: For investors with a desire to see their portfolio invested in ‘socially responsible’ sectors
Key points
- 10 risk-rated actively managed models
- Models mapped to Distribution Technology’s Dynamic Planner® and all other risk profiling systems
- WMA benchmarks performance comparisons
- No minimum portfolio size
- MPS is available on many platforms and with AES-appointed custodian
- Ideal for unambiguous, unconstrained mandates
Next Steps
For more detail on the holdings, strategy and objectives, we can provide an online proposal for an MPS portfolio here.